Create an Entity

What is an Entity?

Syd Entities are objects that represent a person or organization. Entities are used to associate security signals to the people or groups that are responsible for them.

Entities allow us to keep track of the behavior of people and groups by connecting them to their digital footprint.

Creating Entities

To demonstrate how to create an entity, let's run through an example.

Let's say we would like to create an entity for a crypto user called Beejnx. We begin by navigating to his official Twitter account and opening the Syd extension.

As you can see, there is no entity associated to Beejnx yet, so let's create one. Select the "Link Parent Entity" button.

From the Link Entities screen, we can search for Beejnx in the Syd database. As you can see, no entity exists yet. Create the new Entity by selecting the option from the list -

Add "Beejnx"

Fill out the Entity details, then click "Create Entity" to save your new Syd Entity.

Now that the Entity exists, we can add related intelligence signals such as wallets, URLs, Twitter accounts, and other Entities. In the next article, we'll show you how to connect a wallet to the new entity with Syd.

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